Fresh Thinking

Ted Talks to Go #TRYPOD


On 11/11/11, we partnered with ICAD to produce TEDxIowaCity, a day filled with inspiring speakers, great music and the highly popular, Dr. Terry Wahls who shared her story of better living with MS through nutrition. Prior to producing the event I knew of Ted Talks but really hadn’t explored the world of Tedx. Since then, I have become an avid watcher – and listener.

I subscribe to TedTalks (audio) via iTunes so I can listen to a talk whenever I want. The wide variety of talks – ranging from why women should tell the stories of humanity to how to make a city more walkable, keep this podcast interesting. Each podcast is 20 minutes or less so they’re a great length for my lunch hour, a quick run or folding a load of laundry. Plus I learn something new each time!

Image: Reshma Saujani (courtesy: Ted Talks Twitter