

Fresh Thinking

by de Novo.

At de Novo, your goals become our goals. It’s how we help our clients succeed. Want to pull back the curtain and see how we do it? Check out our various insights and musings on our blog.

Facebook EdgeRank Tips

Today I woke up an hour earlier than usual – hungry and ready to kick today’s ass. As I read through the daily blogs I peruse, reviewed the various online

The Definition of Content

Content is the buzzword for 2013. But what does that even mean? Just a short time ago the talk was all about “organic” marketing and then there were the frantic

Viral Marketing for a Cause (Micro-Local Scale)

We all wish we had the key to taking advantage of viral marketing to get our message out. It’s a factor that we can never promise to manufacture, but it’s

Updating Your Site is Important – Google Says So

If you were to ask any company owner or marketer “Is it important to make sure the content on your web site is up to date?” you know they’d answer

Using Controversy to Improve Edge Rank on Facebook?

There’s no real way to tell if Real Simple had any intention of posting this controversial topic as a way to increase engagement and therefore improve their Facebook edge rank

Stop going to Social Media trainings

You don’t need another social media webinar, seminar, “boot camp,” immersive training or strategy session. What most companies need is overall strategy, with content as the centerpiece. You really don’t

Measuring Your Success Indicators

Have you seen this graphic floating around the interwebs? It’s a great visualization of the traits that mark successful and unsuccessful individuals, compiled by MaryEllen Tribby of You can

In the Face of Tragedy

As the tragic news from Friday’s events hang heavy on everyone’s hearts, it doesn’t feel quite right to carry on with everyday routines. It’s as though we need to be

Facebook Pages Feed:BFD

Have you noticed it? No, I didn’t think so. Facebook rolled out the “Pages Feed” on November 14, maybe explaining why the social network was so buggy this week. The

So you think you’re a guru? NOW WITH A COMIC!

I’m seeing a lot of titles floating around these days, “Social Media Guru” and the like. True gurus don’t proclaim themselves as such. A true guru is followed, revered, trusted

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