Facebook Rolls Out New Job Posting Feature


The first step to listing your job opportunity is by heading to your companies Facebook page and Screen Shot 2017-02-24 at 11.54.36 AM.png
on the left side, you’ll find the “Jobs” tab – click this (Make sure you have admin access)! Once you’ve selected the “Jobs” tab you’re ready to get started. Follow the next step by filling in the information for the job like the image, job title, job type, and other details. Once you’re finished filling out that information, you’re ready to publish your job post.

Pro Tip: Use an image that will make candidates want to work for you. Team parties, retreats, and office perks, like treats, are all good bets.

Once you’ve completed the job post, it will be added to the Facebooks Jobs page. Once an applicant finishes your application, an immediate message will be sent via Facebook Messenger. Luckily, all of this is done through Facebook’s website and your company won’t have to deal with the delay of picking through emails, like other job sites.

HOW TO TARGET WITH ADSScreen Shot 2017-02-24 at 12.37.28 PM.png

If you’re looking for more qualified candidates in a short amount of time, your company may want to consider “boosting” your job listing. Like any other Facebook post, you can turn your job listing into a sponsored content post using the “Boost Post” button. Once you’ve selected to “boost” your post, you’ll be able to use the different targeting options Facebook provides. These targeting methods include gender, age, location, education, workplace, etc.

After boosting the post, it will appear higher in the job board giving your company a better chance to reach your target audience. The budget you choose will determine how many people will be reached by your ad. To get an idea of this, try switching up your ad spend and watch the difference in the “Estimated People Reached” bar.


Overall, Facebook Jobs proves to be another continued effort by Facebook to be your hub on the internet (and in turn on your smart phone). Facebook has always been the casual social network with a large majority of the population from 13-year-old kids, to professionals, all the way up to grandparents. As of December 2016, we know that there were 1.86 Billion Monthly Active users.

While this may be treading on the toes of LinkedIn, the youngest of the up and coming professionals are not using either network in the numbers that older Millennials, GenX’ers, and Boomers do. Time will tell if Facebook is able to make serious in-roads with that generational subset.


While it may be your first instinct to completely gut your Facebook account, it is important to remember that this may a red flag for potential employers. If they happen to notice that you have completely removed your Facebook timeline, they’ll KNOW that something is up.

And hey – it’s basically a requirement to have embarrassing college photos on your Facebook if you plan on joining the de Novo team. It adds character – take Pickles for example.
