Fresh Thinking

Telling the Story with Words and Motion


Video, combined with social media, can be a powerful communication channel for your company or organization. But at the same time, if the message isn’t succinct and well managed, you can lose your target market’s attention faster than a hungover college student in a statistics class.

We’ve all seen the video testimonials, the talking heads expounding on their subject matter – and frankly, we’ve yawned our way through too many of those. They lack the personal connection and are often filled with empty corporate jargon. And the latest spate of web cam CEO videos was kind of funny at first, but now everyone is doing it – how does a forward thinking CEO set herself apart from the rest of the poorly lit and mic’d CEO’s?

Video can allow the viewer to connect, to learn in a visual way, find inspiration or understanding and absorb information on a more personal level. And it doesn’t have to be just the person sitting in front of the camera. It can involve live imagery, or it can be graphical in nature. It can be both, in some cases, using motion and words to convey and reinforce a message.

A form we’ve adapted and implemented to many of our clients need is the VideoGraphic. Often using illustration rather than video of people or things, we combine the clients distilled message with movement, imagery and music or voice, to tell a message in an engaging way. Our clients use this forma across multiple channels: embedded in their websites, as commercials and in presentations, on Facebook pages and couple with QR codes to drive traffic.

It’s our process that makes this medium effective. We work to discover the ultimate benefit your company provides and we distill the message to the most clear, succinct form possible, then amplify it with motion and sound. Done correctly, it’s an incredibly effective way to drive a message home to your audience.