Our Approach
The first step was creating a name and visual identity as vibrant and exciting as the city itself. We rebranded the CVB as Experience Waterloo. The logo features bright, engaging colors, reflecting the diversity of their people, businesses and attractions. The shape and elegant curves of the “W” create a subtle nod to the river, a focal point of the community.
The old website limited the CVB’s ability to communicate in the way they wanted. To create a more interactive, visible and user-friendly site, we built on WordPress CMS with third-party integrations to easily incorporate tools like hotel bookers and interactive maps, and pull in user-generated images. We also implemented searchable databases of venues, restaurants and attractions so visitors could customize their trips to Waterloo right on the site.

We Are Waterloo
To keep the excitement going once the new brand was launched, we developed a video campaign to tell the stories of Waterloo. Through a series of intimate video profiles that included in-depth interviews, tours and demonstrations, we highlighted the businesses and individuals that contribute to Waterloo’s unique culture.
True Collaboration
Organizations often talk a big game about partnerships—but Experienced Waterloo truly made collaboration a part of their rebranding process. Working closely alongside their team, we shared a goal and a vision that allowed us to stretch our creative muscles together.